Tag: work-life balance

Longer hours, shorter lives: The health risks of the 14-hour workday

Wear your busyness as a badge of honor. Working long hours, available all the time. If you want

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The right to disconnect from the law

While Australia, the third country to pass a Legal Disconnection Right (RDL) after France and Portugal, has done

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America shares lessons on work-life balance

Bernard Meyer lives with his wife and two daughters in Lithuania.Bernard MeyerBernard Meyer moved to Lithuania from the

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American expats are happier even if they make less money

Bernard Meyer moved from the US to Lithuania.Bernard MeyerAt the age of 27, Bernard Meyer moved from the

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Think of original business ideas in the country of your stream

You know the feeling, when you are immersed in a task, not noticing the passing of time, staying

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Work Life Balance Tips: 10 tips on how working professionals can create a work-life balance |

Balancing work and family is a daily tightrope that every working professional faces around the world. The desire

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