Actor Vijay Varma on Tuesday said the best compliments for his role in “IC 814: The Kandahar Hijacking“of Captain Devi Sharanwhich character he reflects on Netflix series. Based on real events, the six-episode series dramatizes the The 1999 piracy incident of Indian Airlines flight IC 814 by terrorists. Captain Sharan had been the chief pilot of the plane during the incident for more than a week.
“The story comes to you at a certain point when you are ready to do it or sometimes the story asks you to be ready for something, it is so invisible. It is very philosophical to make sense of it,” Varma said at the press event event. here.
“But I’m glad that Captain Devi Sharan liked the work, she called me and gave me a pat on the back. Also, Mrs. Sharan said, ‘I know this man better than he knows himself and I can tell you are very close to him’ ,” he said.
The actor, who is known for his soulful performances in “Dahaad”, “Darlings” and “Gully Boy”, said he has made it clear that his performance should not be imitated.
“There was no attempt to make him sound like a captain in real life, which was never the intention. He (Sinha) never showed a picture of a young Devi Sharan, or we would have got this. For the whole series, the intention was very clear that we did not imitate anyone’s character,” added Varma.
The actor said when he met Captain Sharan, he found him to be a “gentle, sincere and dedicated” individual.
“So I try to keep that energy with him. I try to keep the spirit of the people I meet… I’m thankful that it happened, and he (Sinha) captured it through a lens that worked well because the camera was always next to my face and there was a green screen on in front of me,” he said.
The press event was also attended by director Sinha, and Varma’s co-stars — Naseeruddin Shah, Pankaj Kapur, Kumud Mishra, Manoj Pahwa, Dia Mirza, Pooja Gor, and others.
Sinha thanked the audience and the cast for their love and support.
“It’s something you hope people will enjoy. It would be very arrogant to imagine something like this … but there are so many, it makes you feel smaller. It’s incredible,” he added.
On the show, the director got into a brief argument with a journalist, who asked him to comment on the controversy on the show. A section of the audience on social media objected to the humanitarian projection of the terrorists and the reference to Hindu code names and also the depiction of Pakistan’s spy agency ISI in the series.
The reporter questioned the filmmaker about allegations that he did not properly portray the ISI’s role in the hijacking plot.
“Kaun aap laga rahe hai aarop? Aapne seri dekhi hai?’ “Seri dekhi hai?” said Sinha.
Earlier on Tuesday, Netflix India released a statement, saying it had updated the series’ opening disclaimer to include the original name and pirated code.
The statement came after streamer content chief Monika Shergill met Information and Broadcasting Secretary Sanjay Jaju.
Actor Dia Mirza, who has been in Sinha’s previous films “Dus”, “Thappad” and “Bheed”, said it was great to play “a woman with an intelligent mind”.
“I respect Anubhav Sinha because he always gives me to play such a woman, it is a privilege. I am grateful to him, for the way he writes the female part,” said Mirza.
Seasoned actor Manoj Pahwa, another frequent collaborator of Sinha, said he relied on the script to portray Mukul Mohan, the additional director of the IB in “IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack”.
“For me, the script is the Bible and I just keep reading. I don’t know how I got the layers in my character. The magic has happened but I don’t know how it happened,” said Pahwa.
Actor Patralekha, who plays a flight attendant, says the show has taken a toll on her physical and mental health.
“The story comes to you at a certain point when you are ready to do it or sometimes the story asks you to be ready for something, it is so invisible. It is very philosophical to make sense of it,” Varma said at the press event event. here.
“But I’m glad that Captain Devi Sharan liked the work, she called me and gave me a pat on the back. Also, Mrs. Sharan said, ‘I know this man better than he knows himself and I can tell you are very close to him’ ,” he said.
The actor, who is known for his soulful performances in “Dahaad”, “Darlings” and “Gully Boy”, said he has made it clear that his performance should not be imitated.
“There was no attempt to make him sound like a captain in real life, which was never the intention. He (Sinha) never showed a picture of a young Devi Sharan, or we would have got this. For the whole series, the intention was very clear that we did not imitate anyone’s character,” added Varma.
The actor said when he met Captain Sharan, he found him to be a “gentle, sincere and dedicated” individual.
“So I try to keep that energy with him. I try to keep the spirit of the people I meet… I’m thankful that it happened, and he (Sinha) captured it through a lens that worked well because the camera was always next to my face and there was a green screen on in front of me,” he said.
The press event was also attended by director Sinha, and Varma’s co-stars — Naseeruddin Shah, Pankaj Kapur, Kumud Mishra, Manoj Pahwa, Dia Mirza, Pooja Gor, and others.
Sinha thanked the audience and the cast for their love and support.
“It’s something you hope people will enjoy. It would be very arrogant to imagine something like this … but there are so many, it makes you feel smaller. It’s incredible,” he added.
On the show, the director got into a brief argument with a journalist, who asked him to comment on the controversy on the show. A section of the audience on social media objected to the humanitarian projection of the terrorists and the reference to Hindu code names and also the depiction of Pakistan’s spy agency ISI in the series.
The reporter questioned the filmmaker about allegations that he did not properly portray the ISI’s role in the hijacking plot.
“Kaun aap laga rahe hai aarop? Aapne seri dekhi hai?’ “Seri dekhi hai?” said Sinha.
Earlier on Tuesday, Netflix India released a statement, saying it had updated the series’ opening disclaimer to include the original name and pirated code.
The statement came after streamer content chief Monika Shergill met Information and Broadcasting Secretary Sanjay Jaju.
Actor Dia Mirza, who has been in Sinha’s previous films “Dus”, “Thappad” and “Bheed”, said it was great to play “a woman with an intelligent mind”.
“I respect Anubhav Sinha because he always gives me to play such a woman, it is a privilege. I am grateful to him, for the way he writes the female part,” said Mirza.
Seasoned actor Manoj Pahwa, another frequent collaborator of Sinha, said he relied on the script to portray Mukul Mohan, the additional director of the IB in “IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack”.
“For me, the script is the Bible and I just keep reading. I don’t know how I got the layers in my character. The magic has happened but I don’t know how it happened,” said Pahwa.
Actor Patralekha, who plays a flight attendant, says the show has taken a toll on her physical and mental health.
IC 814 Exclusive: Anubhav Sinha, Vijay Varma & Kumud Mishra Talk About Best Moments and Surprises From Thriller
“We shot last year when it was raining. We were more than 100 people on the plane, and someone had a fever, and then we all got a fever. Anubhav sir shot with a fever of 102 degrees, but the show went on. ” he said.