In the fall of 2023, Joe Gow, former Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, announced his decision to step down from his post at the end of the school year to transition into a faculty role.
But in December 2023, he was fired from that position for making and appearing in porn videos with his wife and sharing the content on X, a porn website, a book, and the YouTube channel “Sexy Couple”.

Although the couple uses pen names (Geri and Jay Hart) in two books, “Married with Benefits: Our Real-Life Adult Industry Adventures” and “Monogamy with Benefits: How Porn Enriches Our Relationship,” they don’t seem to be trying to be. adult entertainment adventure secrets.
University of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman said in a statement at the time that Gow has been terminated after a unanimous vote by the UW Board of Regents.
“In recent times, we have learned of specific actions by Dr. Gow that have caused the university significant reputational damage. His actions are despicable.”
“As a tenured faculty member, Dr. Gow will be placed on paid administrative leave while he transitions to a faculty role at UW-La Crosse. However, I have filed a complaint this afternoon with interim Chancellor Betsy Morgan regarding Dr. Gow’s status as a faculty member. tenured, that status is reviewed. In addition, the law firm has been involved in the matter. We expect that the complaint will be considered as dictated by the Code. 4.
Gow now denied in a Chronicle of Higher Education Op-Ed, while boasting about the video’s success, that he would not lose his position. He views the argument as a violation of his First Amendment right to freedom of speech and expression.
Gow wrote:
“For about ten years, my wife, Carmen Wilson (also an academic), and I have been using our vacation time to secretly record sex scenes with adult industry professionals,” Gow wrote. “We made 18 in all, and we also published two books (under pen names) about our experiences. Late last year, after I announced that I was stepping down from an administrative position at the University of Wisconsin in La Crosse to focus on my faculty role, we thought it would be interesting to see how some scenes can be received on the adult website. We uploaded five people. Knowing that the platform hosts millions of videos, we doubt that anyone will pay attention.
“How wrong we were,” he added. “We watched in disbelief as our video, without any promotion, attracted hundreds of views a day, then thousands, then tens of thousands. After just a few weeks, we passed millions of views altogether, leading one site to rank us as the number 2 creator for North America and Oceania in December 2023.
Gow continued, “I understand why UW leaders don’t want me to continue as chancellor, but I am baffled by their determination not to return to the classroom. After all, this is the same person who, at a board meeting held a few weeks before my dismissal, passionately asserted the importance of promoting free speech on our campus.
“Meanwhile, I like to remember an anecdote my husband told me: When we went to Las Vegas a few years ago, one of his coworkers asked what we were going to do there. ‘Oh,’ he told people, ‘the usual stuff: Sit by the pool. , eat a nice dinner, make some obscene.’ He laughed at her cheeky answer.”
“If only the regents and the president of the Wisconsin system can be light. Laugh at us if you want. Call us weird. But don’t try to prevent the important conversation that started,” he said.
According to the Wisconsin State Journal, UW-La Crosse Interim Chancellor Betsy Morgan said Gow failed to cooperate with the investigation, engaged in unethical and possibly illegal conduct, and violated information technology use.
A public hearing, scheduled for mid-June, must be held before Gow is removed from office.