As Uttar Pradesh (UP) gears up for the seventh and final phase of the 2024 Lok Sabha polls to be held on June 1, the battle is on for the Gorakhpur seat, which is chief minister Yogi Adityanath’s home turf and the second highest constituency. in the country after Varanasi, it has become wild. In an attempt to feel the pulse of the polls and ensure the effectiveness of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) slogan “Missi Gorakhpur Ka…Ravi Kishan…Ravi Kishan”, which was launched for candidate and MP Ravi Kishan, who will take over. actress Kajal Nishad of the Samajwadi Party (SP), News18 spoke to local residents.
Many people say that in “Yogi’s land, only Yogi’s magic works” and hence, no matter the candidate, they will vote for BJP.
Many locals also praised the development work done during the Yogi Adityanath government, who called Gorakhpur the fastest growing city in UP.
“Gorakhpur’s transformation is amazing. Even faster than Varanasi. So rejuvenation of Ramgarh Tal, widening of road in Buxipur book market, start of new terminal at Gorakhpur airport, availability of flights to Delhi, Bengaluru, Prayagraj and other major cities, beautification of temples Gorakhnath, construction of four lanes from airport to Circuit House, construction of zoological park, AIIMS, special hospital for Japanese Encephalitis, etc.,” said Vinod Kumar Tripathi, who hails from Diwan Bazar, Gorakhpur.
Many also praised the law and order situation and freed the land from land sharks. “Going out at night was unimaginable until 2017. Thanks to Yogi Baba for smooth law and order and making us feel safe while traveling even at night. This is a big change,” said Shubhangi Rastogi, a housewife from the area Chamrauti in Gorakhpur. He also praised CM Yogi for freeing the land from the clutches of “Bhu Mafias”.
Some youths are saddened by the problem of paper leakage and unemployment. “Our future seems to be in doldrums. Something happened when we came after appearing for the exam and a day later we got the news that the exam has been cancelled. The UP government should make a strict law to check paper leaks,” said Anirudh Dubey, who have graduated in 2021.
Some also slammed the Agnipath scheme for military recruitment.
News18 also spoke to people from the Nishad community, who are said to be the deciding factor in Gorakhpur politics. “We are with Yogi Baba. But the one thing that bothers us the most is why BJP is sending outsiders again. BJP also has a Nishad leader here, it should lead anyone,” said Arjun Nishad from Kakrahiya village in Gorakhpur. Others echoed this sentiment.
Manoj Singh, a senior journalist and political analyst who hails from Gorakhpur, said that politics in the constituency is dominated by Goraknath Math and people from the Nishad community. Yogi Adityanath is the face of the BJP here and was praised by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a rally in eastern UP. “In a recent meeting held in Ghosi, eastern UP, the PM said that the Yogi government’s bulldozer has stopped Gundaraj. He also praised the Yogi administration for going ahead with the campaign against corruption and criminal elements. He also said that the development that took place in UP after Yogi Adityanath became the chief minister has been unmatched since Independence,” Singh said.
He added that Yogi eliminated the caste caste of rival parties, spearheaded the BJP’s strategy to sweep the 2019 Lok Sabha and 2022 elections, winning all six parliamentary seats and 27 out of 28 assembly seats in Gorakhpur division. “On his home turf of Gorakhpur, Yogi united the BJP after becoming the chief minister in 2017 with a plan of development and welfare that could reach the beneficiaries,” a News18 political analyst said.
Gorakhpur, an important Lok Sabha constituency, presents a dynamic political landscape shaped by a diverse electorate. The constituency has a large OBC population, with around nine lakh voters, mostly Nishads, followed by Yadavs and Dalits. The upper castes, including Brahmins, Thakurs, Bhumihars, and Vaishyas, account for about six lakh voters.
The BJP fielded a local MP, Bhojpuri actor Ravi Kishan, whose real name is Ravindra Shukla, who defected from the Congress after failing in 2014 in Jaunpur. Kishan joined the BJP in 2017 and was selected as the party’s candidate for Gorakhpur after Yogi Adityanath vacated the seat as Uttar Pradesh chief minister. Kishan won a decisive victory, defeating SP’s Rambhual Nishad by over three lakh votes.
The Samajwadi Party (SP) continues to capitalize on caste dynamics, consistently fielding candidates from the influential Nishad community, which comprises more than 15% of Gorakhpur’s electorate. For this election, SP has fielded Kajal Nishad in the INDIA block to challenge Ravi Kishan.
Gorakhpur’s political history is marked by a shift from Congress dominance in its early years as a Lok Sabha seat, starting in 1952. The Congress won six of the first eight elections. However, since 1984, the BJP has emerged as a major force, winning eight of the last nine elections. This shift was heavily influenced by Mahant Avaidyanath, who served as an MP from 1989 to 1998, then Yogi Adityanath, who won five consecutive terms before becoming chief minister in 2017.
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