LeGerman Islamic critic Michael Stürzenberger was attacked by a crazed Muslim with a knife and almost killed at a public meeting in Mannheim on Friday. A police officer was also seriously injured after handling the wrongdoers and resisting the terrorists. A total of 6 people were injured.
Michael Stürzenberger has raised awareness of the threat of so-called “political Islam” since his friend was killed in the 2008 Mumbai Hotel Attack. Stürzenberger rejects the use of terms like “radical Islam” and “Islamism,” he said. Islam is not only a religion but a political ideology that always seeks to take power once in plurality.
Thoroughly censored and vilified by the legacy media, he held street rallies with supporters of the Pax Europa (BPE) Civil Movement, where he often debated with angry young Muslims in an excellent manner.
The German government tried to imprison him on absurd charges, although Stürzenberger tried to obey the law and not attack “all Muslims.”
Gateway Pundit has been reporting on the campaign against Stürzenberger for years.
Donald Trump Jr. showed the video of Stürzenberger and fellow Islamic critic Irfan Peci 2023, where young Muslims stated “we must use violence to create an Islamic state if Muslims become the majority”.
Anyone with a brain knows this is coming, but the idiots in charge will continue to welcome their death until it’s too late. https://t.co/Gpx6WbH9iL
– Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 5, 2023
Stürzenberger and his supporters continued their courageous work despite death threats and occasional attacks.
Now, after pro-Hamas protesters took to the streets of Germany unopposed, demanding the institution of Sharia law and a caliphate in Germany, an Afghan man identified as (25) felt brave enough to attack Stürzenberger with a combat knife in Mannheim on Friday. , May 31.
The video made it clear the police, who were usually tasked with harassing Stürzenberger and his supporters rather than defending them, did not know how to respond.
The first officer to intervene attacked Stürzenberger’s supporter and then stabbed him in the neck after resisting the terrorist. One of the six officers looking at it finally opened fire after 15 seconds, injuring the terrorist.
Full livestream of the BPE event in Mannheim:
Gateway Pundit caught up with Michael Stürzenberger at his hospital bed, from where he sent a message of thanks to all his supporters. He was stabbed in the face from the cheek to the lip, the chest near the lungs, and the thigh near the artery.
Fortunately, he is now stable and vowed to continue his freedom struggle with a smile:
“It was a very close call yesterday. Now, there are four doctors coming to patrol the ward.
“The stab wound to the side of the chest, which is close to the lung, may be life-threatening.”
“The stab wound to the thigh punctured a vein and caused significant blood loss.”
“There was also a second stab wound to the leg above the knee, luckily no tendon injury.”
“The injury on the upper arm is relatively small. It is different from the stabbing in the face.”
“I have staples on the side of my jaw. My upper lip is stitched up, I have an open wound down to my teeth.
“A big thank you to all the doctors and facial surgeons who came especially from the specialized clinic.
“What can an Afghan “refugee” do with a knife…”
It was a really close call yesterday. Now, four doctors come for ward rounds.
A stab wound to the side of the chest, which is near the lung, may be life-threatening.
The stab wound to the thigh involved a vein… pic.twitter.com/6nHwxqTZAf
— Naomi Seibt (@SeibtNaomi) June 1, 2024
Dutch political leader Geert Wilders expressed his support for Stürzenberger:
‘”Bad! Michael Stürzenberger – who has been interviewed several times – is now the victim of a cowardly act of terror.
Terrible! Michael Stürzenberger – interviewed by Michael Stürzenberger – no one interviewed. https://t.co/PnSf8RAXWI
– Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) May 31, 2024
Qur’an 47:4: “When you meet an unbeliever, his neck…” https://t.co/EdnZczNw33 pic.twitter.com/xjFdeGb0S7
— Pamela Geller (@PamelaGeller) May 31, 2024